John de Ruiter Podcast (general)
John de Ruiter is a Canadian author and spiritual leader. He holds weekly meetings from his home base in Edmonton, Alberta, where he established the College of Integrated Philosophy in 2006. John has been offering seminars online and in Alberta since 2020, resulting in conversations with people all over the world. As an innovative voice for spiritual evolution, John de Ruiter teaches that life's meaning can be known and lived through "core-splitting honesty," a concept he discovered in his teens after a profound awakening to foundational levels of existence. Ever since, John’s life and teaching have been informed by that direct knowing. His desire to communicate these ideas led to two books, “The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being in This World” and “Unveiling Reality.” John’s teachings focus on a willingness to let go of your ego and desires: He draws a distinction between your self and your soul, as well as your mind and your being. When teaching a group, John prefers to interact with audience members one-on-one, rather than addressing a whole crowd. This method results in fascinating and intimate dialogues. Find more information about him at
Rishikesh, India Retreat - February 12, 2018 Evening
Most of us experience emotional turmoil, destructive behaviour and mental difficulty in our lives from time to time. What is the cause of these states? How can we find equanimity of being in the midst of any situation? You, being the simplicity of this, is you directly resting into the beloved within. 
Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_346_-_Healing_Emotional_Pain__No_Process_No_Path_No_Problem.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

November 19, 2015, Bad Meinberg, Germany
We are here for just a short time, our bodies are temporary. So what happens after death? Is Karma real? How to have only good karma? Can meditation help? Listen to this talk to find out.
Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_288_-_The_Truth_About_Karma_Sin_and_Life_After_Death.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EDT

February 22, 2015 Afternoon, Poleg Beach, Netanya, Israel
The questioner speaks of comparing herself to others and the pain, depression and inability to move forward that this causes. John explains the way to go beyond comparison, and into clarity and freedom.
Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_286_-_How_do_I_Stop_Comparing_Myself_to_Others_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EDT

Title: You Don't Forget What Matters to You.

Location: Gillingham, Dorset, UK Retreat, Informal Gatherings.

Quote: When distorted awareness releases its tension, awareness naturally and with perfect ease undistorts.

Title: Jealousy is Self Up-Side Down. 

Date: April 30, 2013 Evening - Venwoude, Lage Vuursche, The Netherlands Retreat. 

Quote: Where there’s jealousy, there isn’t regard for meaning anymore, meaning for its own sake.  

Direct download: jdr_podcast_102.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00am EDT