John de Ruiter Podcast
John de Ruiter is a Canadian author and spiritual leader. As an innovative voice for spiritual evolution, John de Ruiter teaches that life's meaning can be known and lived through "core-splitting honesty," a concept he discovered in his teens after a profound awakening to foundational levels of existence. Ever since, John’s life and teaching have been informed by that direct knowing. His desire to communicate these ideas led to two books, “The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being in This World” and “Unveiling Reality.” John’s teachings focus on a willingness to let go of your ego and desires: He draws a distinction between your self and your soul, as well as your mind and your being. When teaching a group, John prefers to interact with audience members one-on-one, rather than addressing a whole crowd. This method results in fascinating and intimate dialogues. Find more information about him at

Chiemsee, Germany Event - May 26, 2014 Morning

How can we open our heart toward another when there are unpleasant emotions involved? John explains how the need to diminish these negative feelings only feeds them and that it is possible to flourish, deepen and develop in the midst of any difficulty.

Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Direct download: JdR_Podcast_452_-_Flourishing_in_the_Midst_of_Emotion_and_Difficulty.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 3:27pm EST

Interactive Live Stream - June 20, 2020 Morning

The woman in this dialogue senses that her experience of a fear of disappearing stands between her and what is real. John explains the supreme importance of this turning point in her life: it's the door to the real, to what she was born for but didn't understand.

Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Direct download: JdR_Podcast_451_-_The_Beautiful_Impracticality_of_Being_Real.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Findhorn, Scotland Retreat - March 11, 2012 Afternoon

The woman in this dialogue is standing at the threshold of elderhood and needs to discern what's next for her. John invites her beyond all familiarity into a deeper level, where she would be reconceived by her own deepest knowing, and live as what she will know when she dies. 

Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Direct download: JdR_Podcast_450_-_Entering_the_Next__Growing_Older_Reconceived.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

Moen, Denmark Event - March 30, 2018 Evening

Is there such a thing as life purpose, and do we have unique gifts to bring? John answers fundamental questions on what real destiny is and how it can change as we live.

Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Direct download: JdR_Podcast_449_-_A_Change_of_Heart_A_Change_of_Destiny.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Auckland, New Zealand Event - March 13, 2004

What's really going on when we're angry? Instead of relating to external ‘causes’ and working on anger as a problem, John takes us into a shift of perspective. He opens a window through which we can see what in us is of much greater value.

Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Direct download: JdR_Podcast_448_-_What_Anger_Tells_You_About_Your_Life_Perspective.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 1:13pm EST

Midnight Sky Outdoor Centre, Canada Event - November 5, 2021 Morning

A far-reaching conversation exploring this woman's fear of gaining weight, and the limits of her treatment so far. John's responses take us beyond worldly norms and conventional therapy into the bigger picture, offering a radical shift of perspective.

Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at