John de Ruiter Podcast
John de Ruiter is a Canadian author and spiritual leader. As an innovative voice for spiritual evolution, John de Ruiter teaches that life's meaning can be known and lived through "core-splitting honesty," a concept he discovered in his teens after a profound awakening to foundational levels of existence. Ever since, John’s life and teaching have been informed by that direct knowing. His desire to communicate these ideas led to two books, “The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being in This World” and “Unveiling Reality.” John’s teachings focus on a willingness to let go of your ego and desires: He draws a distinction between your self and your soul, as well as your mind and your being. When teaching a group, John prefers to interact with audience members one-on-one, rather than addressing a whole crowd. This method results in fascinating and intimate dialogues. Find more information about him at
Poleg Beach, Netanya, Israel Event - April 30, 2016 Afternoon
This man no longer finds satisfaction in things he once enjoyed and feels alone and separate. He fears losing his uniqueness if he stops all his doing. John shows him how only by being at home in his heart, as nobody and nothing, can he know his true uniqueness and be free of his genetics.
Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_309_-_Why_Do_I_Feel_the_Need_to_Be_Special_.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 3:09pm EST

Cologne, Germany Retreat - January 25, 2015 Afternoon. 
This questioner has been working hard and knows she needs to spend her time differently, but how? John shows her how time off can be spent in a repeating loop of self-rejuvenation, or be given to what has already made a difference: her awakening.
Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Tiruvannamalai, India Event - January 31, 2017 Afternoon
What is enlightenment? Is it the highest spiritual attainment as many perceive it to be? In this dialogue, John explains that it is not enlightenment, but purity of heart that is what we are in a body for: awareness and knowing being one.
Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Edmonton, Canada Meeting - March 19, 2017 Afternoon
This vivid conversation dives into the topic of a real relationship to power. John describes how most of us live as both victims and perpetrators. We create a life of stories and illusion, losing the opportunity to awaken and, more importantly, to build on that awakening before we die. He reveals the fundamental simplicity and rare value of living a real life.
Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 
More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Netanya, Israel Retreat - February 21, 2015 Afternoon. 

The questioner in this dialogue has been experiencing heartache and loneliness. John speaks about the reasons for and purpose of heartache, revealing the opportunity for awakening that is in it. The heartache is there to bring you to what your whole life is for; you ache in your heart until it opens. 

Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. 

More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at

Direct download: JdR_Podcast_305_-_Your_Heartache_is_Your_Awakening.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 2:19pm EST