John de Ruiter Podcast
John de Ruiter is a Canadian author and spiritual leader. As an innovative voice for spiritual evolution, John de Ruiter teaches that life's meaning can be known and lived through "core-splitting honesty," a concept he discovered in his teens after a profound awakening to foundational levels of existence. Ever since, John’s life and teaching have been informed by that direct knowing. His desire to communicate these ideas led to two books, “The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being in This World” and “Unveiling Reality.” John’s teachings focus on a willingness to let go of your ego and desires: He draws a distinction between your self and your soul, as well as your mind and your being. When teaching a group, John prefers to interact with audience members one-on-one, rather than addressing a whole crowd. This method results in fascinating and intimate dialogues. Find more information about him at

Title: Delightfully Easy to Change Your Heart. 

Date: June 14, 2013 Evening - Totnes, United Kingdom Event. 

Quote: Like being the tiny little bit that you know in your heart more than being what you feel and think in your self. Your self will heal; your feeling will soften, and your thinking will open. 

Title: Real and Clear Parenting. 

Date: June 14, 2013 Afternoon - Totnes, United Kingdom Event.  

Quote: For you to really parent her is for you to be more of a self to her than a person, and more of a heart to her than a self, and more of a being to her than a heart. 

Title: Dealing With Cancer in Perspective. 

Date: June 13, 2013 Evening - Bristol, United Kingdom Event. 

Quote: If you die of cancer with only openness and softness in your heart, you will live and die integrating your self. 

Title: Oneness Isn’t Out of Reach. 

Date: June 13, 2013 Evening - Bristol, United Kingdom Event. 

Quote: Whatever it is that you know the truth of in your heart as awareness, surrender to it and you are one. Oneness isn’t at all difficult to be. It isn’t out of reach. 

Title: Warmth in Your Heart Guides You. 

Date: June 12, 2013 Evening - Glastonbury, United Kingdom Event. 

Quote: When you take to heart anything of your own being, your heart is safe again despite what kind of self you have. For your heart to be safe, there isn’t anything in your self that needs to change first. 

Title: Untold Riches in Relationship. 

Date: June 12, 2013 Evening - Glastonbury, United Kingdom Event. 

Quote: If the lovemaking has thinned out, see it as a call to really be together again, where what is most delicate in you meets what is most delicate in her. 

Title: A Being-filled Heart Relationship.

Date: June 9, 2013 Evening - Freiburg, Germany Event.

Quote: A being-filled heart relationship costs you all of the self you have.

Title: Tuning into Deeper Levels.

Date: June 9, 2013 Afternoon - Freiburg, Germany Event.

Quote: What you are relating to as awareness determines the level of awareness that you will be in. It doesn’t work by thinking and feeling. It works by relating.

Title: Coming in Without Filters and Boundaries.

Date: June 9, 2013 Evening - Freiburg, Germany Event.

Quote: Meeting is your deepest and first relating. In your person you react to meeting. In your self you fear meeting. Deep in your heart you love meeting.

Title: Delicate Satisfaction of Being.

Date:  June 8, 2013 Evening - Freiburg, Germany Event.

Quote: When you are experiencing lack, as awareness you’re not seeing the endless delicacies of being that are in you and that surround you. These delicacies of being are what make you rich, not your lack being answered.

Title: Return to Being Magical.

Date: June 8, 2013 Evening - Freiburg, Germany Event.

Quote: As soon as you relax as awareness in the midst of anything, you turn into what is deeper. As soon as you relax as awareness, you begin to come into what you really are.

Title: Flourish Regardless of Your Circumstances.

Date: June 8, 2013 Evening - Freiburg, Germany Event.

Quote: It isn’t the kind of profession that you have that makes you flourish; it’s what you are coming from, within, that makes you flourish. Then everything that you step into turns into your garden.

Title: Warmly Receiving Growing Pains.

Date: June 8, 2013 Afternoon - Freiburg, Germany Event

Quote: When you open and soften in your heart despite your self and your body, your self opens and your body opens. Your self and your body are always slowly becoming as you are, as you are in your heart. What you are being in your heart is what your self turns into and what your body turns into.