John de Ruiter Podcast
John de Ruiter is a Canadian author and spiritual leader. As an innovative voice for spiritual evolution, John de Ruiter teaches that life's meaning can be known and lived through "core-splitting honesty," a concept he discovered in his teens after a profound awakening to foundational levels of existence. Ever since, John’s life and teaching have been informed by that direct knowing. His desire to communicate these ideas led to two books, “The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being in This World” and “Unveiling Reality.” John’s teachings focus on a willingness to let go of your ego and desires: He draws a distinction between your self and your soul, as well as your mind and your being. When teaching a group, John prefers to interact with audience members one-on-one, rather than addressing a whole crowd. This method results in fascinating and intimate dialogues. Find more information about him at

Title: Deeper Levels of the Mundane.

Date: March 23, 2014 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada Meeting.

Quote: When you are in the mundane from what is deeper than your self, you realize the mundane to be more than your self, and your self opens. It opens in its structuring and in its form, enabling you as the form of your self to move in the deeper levels of the mundane.

Title: Opening and Softening without a Process.

Date: March 17, 2014 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada Meeting.

Quote: Love is everything, and actually everywhere. Its as much in the formless as it is in the form. It doesnt relate to one over the other.

Title: The Many Entrances of Your Being.

Date: March 16, 2014 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada Meeting.

Quote: Each level, region, and aspect of your being has its own entrance. With each entrance, you come into the more of what you really are. Awareness believing knowing enables. In that way, belief is your entrance.

Title: The Rhythm of Response.

Date: February 23, 2014 Evening - Edmonton, Canada Meeting.

Quote: Integrate the unseen of what you first are in the midst of all things seen.

Title: Shanti’s Blog: Sixth Dialogue Session with John. 


Date: June 2, 2013 - Edmonton, Canada. 


Quote: Another session with John in which he answers questions regarding his teaching. Visit Shanti’s blog site to submit your own questions, at

Title: The Warmth of What You Are. 


Date: February 17, 2014 Evening - Edmonton, Canada Meeting. 


Quote: You’re able to be warmed within, in the midst of anything. That warmth is real you.