Fri, 15 September 2017
Cologne, Germany Event - January 24, 2013 Evening The questioner describes having been awakened to a deep energy of pure love within, and yet suffering still continues. John explains that the suffering is in the self, while the love is not. The love is your home. Your self suffers because it is not complete. You are complete. You do not need to suffer. That puts your self in your care. Then, every difficulty that you have in your self will have you coming more deeply from the love that you have awakened to, within. Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_256_-_Spiritual_Healing__The_End_of_Your_Suffering.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 2:46pm EST |
Mon, 11 September 2017
Moen, Denmark Retreat - June 4, 2016 Aft When you awaken to more than this mundane existence, how can you make that real in your life? How can you let it have more form in your life? How to get out of the matrix? Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_255_-_Out_Of_The_Matrix_Planted_In_Your_Source_-_June_4_2016_Afternoon_-_Moen_Denmark_Retreat.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 5:40pm EST |
Fri, 1 September 2017
Edmonton, Canada Spring Seminar - April 14, 2017 Afternoon The questioner describes an experience in which he saw a shell around him, blocking him from being in his heart and experiencing life fully. John explains that this shell is common to many; it is made of forms of illusion that we have empowered. John shows us how to give our power, through our heart, to what we actually know the truth of. We become free of the shell and its confining influence. Dialogues with John de Ruiter bring you into your heart, and into the depths of your being, where the meaning of life opens up in awareness. More information about John de Ruiter - Knowing Reality at
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_254_-_Freeing_Your_Power_From_The_Strands_Of_Illusion.mp3
Category:Spoken -- posted at: 2:00pm EST |