Sat, 29 December 2012
Title: True Seeking Realizes.
Date: December 16, 2012 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada.
Quote: There is a different level of seeking that‘s direct. It’s immediate. Without using your programs and without using your operating system, the moment you seek, you meet; the moment you seek, you’re in.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_078.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 8:39pm EST
Fri, 7 December 2012
Title: You Don’t Need a Relationship.
Date: October 30, 2012 Evening - Tel Aviv, Israel.
Quote: No one can provide for you what you’re looking for. It doesn’t come from being in relationship. Being, within, what you’re looking for is what makes a real and profound relationship.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_077.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 5:32pm EST
Fri, 16 November 2012
Title: Change without Force.
Date: September 24, 2012 Evening - Amsterdam, The Netherlands Seminar.
Quote: Your ‘yes’ in relationship with food and eating and your ‘no’ within food and eating are a kindness from within the clarity that’s in your heart. That makes you a goodness to your self.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_076.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 6:34pm EST
Sat, 3 November 2012
Title: What You Breathe.
Date: September 17, 2012 Evening - Edmonton, Canada.
Quote: When you're in because of knowing what your whole heart belongs to, your heart will sweetly ache because of knowing that you are really onto what matters more than anything.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_075.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 5:12pm EST
Fri, 5 October 2012
Title: The End of the Search.
Date: September 30, 2012 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada.
Quote: What you are looking for within isn’t something that is going to have a loud voice. It isn’t going to be exciting or eventful. It’s going to be settling.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_074.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 7:33pm EST
Fri, 21 September 2012
Title: If You Die in Your Fear You Have Wasted Your Life.
Date: September 9, 2012 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada.
Quote: If your self is as large as a house, the door to knowing within need only be the size of a pinhole, with all of you as awareness entering it.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_073.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 12:32pm EST
Fri, 17 August 2012
Title: JdR Podcast 071 - Shanti’s Blog: Third Dialogue Session with John.
Date: May 24, 2012 - Edmonton, Canada.
Info: Another session with John in which he answers questions regarding his teaching. Visit Shanti’s blog site to submit your own questions, at
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_071.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 2:00am EST
Fri, 10 August 2012
Title: When You are Honest You are "Yes".
Date: July 6, 2012 Evening - Edmonton, Canada Summer Seminar.
Quote: Like being honest to your self instead of to your person, relieving you of your opinions, and like being honest to your heart instead of to your self, relieving you of your importance.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_070.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 2:00am EST
Fri, 3 August 2012
Title: Shanti’s Blog: Second Dialogue Session with John.
Date: April 13, 2012 - Edmonton, Canada.
Description: Another session with John in which he answers questions regarding his teaching. Visit Shanti’s blog site to submit your own questions, at
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_069.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 8:51pm EST
Fri, 27 July 2012
Title: Walking Away from Your Hopeless Home
Date: July 4, 2012 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada Summer Seminar
Quote: It’s time for you to leave your conditioning behind, regardless of what that brings up in your self. As awareness, come back together in what you are knowing in your heart, and live.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_068.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 3:25pm EST
Fri, 20 July 2012
Title: Shantis First Dialogue Session with John.
Date: February 9, 2012 - Edmonton, Canada.
Description: Long time seeker of truth, Shanti George, recently interviewed John in Edmonton. Shanti drew questions for John from readers of her blog site: This the first of several interviews with John. Visit her blog site to submit your own questions.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_067.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 8:07pm EST
Mon, 16 July 2012
Title: Working Through the Relationship You’re In.
Date: June 26, 2012 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada Summer Seminar.
Quote: You need to give. If you have reasons to not give, then you are being like what the relationship is. Then you are dying in a dying relationship. You need to live in a dying relationship.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_066.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 2:58pm EST
Fri, 29 June 2012
Title: Give Everything to What is Already Pure in You
Date: April 29, 2012 Evening - Venwoude, Lage Vuursche, The Netherlands Seminar
Quote: It is really about you giving all of the water to the tiny little bit that you know the truth of in your heart. For you to purify your self, give everything to what is already pure in you. Love giving it everything.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_065.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 7:54pm EST
Fri, 15 June 2012
Title: Being in Your Being
Date: April 25, 2012 Evening - De Roos, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Quote: While it’s difficult, make it easy. In making it easy, you’ll be direct in it. In making it easy, you go straight to it. You don’t use anything that isn’t a part of it.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_064.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 7:57pm EST
Fri, 25 May 2012
Title: Loving Being Together
Date: May 14, 2012 Evening - Edmonton, Canada
Quote: Being in relationship means you are with him. You give him all of your heart and you like that your heart is in all of your body. The giving is immediate, direct and real.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_063.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 8:12pm EST
Fri, 18 May 2012
Title: An Interview with Ojas de Ronde for The New Man Radio Show on Ridder Radio
Date: April 24, 2012 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Info: Recently, John was interviewed by Ojas de Ronde for 'The New Human’ web radio broadcast show on Ridder Radio. Listeners of the program also partook in the chat session to ask John questions.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_062.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 4:12pm EST
Fri, 4 May 2012
Title: On Enlightenment
Date: March 11, 2012 Afternoon - Findhorn, Scotland
Quote: When you are being true to what you know in your heart, and not true to anything else, your whole heart becomes clean. You are as awareness, in all of your heart, whole. No split. You have oneness of heart. That is greater than enlightenment.
Fri, 20 April 2012
Title: Live Your Awakening
Date: January 31, 2012 Evening - Pardes Hana, Israel
Quote: You need to bring Arunachala into city life. Bring it into fast-paced complexity where it thrives, instead of it in some way being reduced to an experience in your self that you long to return to. You’re able to be what it is. It is what gives beingness to responsibility.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_060.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 7:35pm EST
Sat, 24 March 2012
Title: Walking into the Light
Date: April 25, 2010 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Quote: As soon as meaning moves there is the beingness of meaning. The beingness of meaning is light. In moving more deeply into the light, in a way that is no longer familiar to your self, but much in line to what you are knowing the truth of, you’ll be responding to knowledge so deep, it won’t be light you’ll be relating to. You will be relating to just knowing.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_058.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 6:59pm EST
Fri, 9 March 2012
Title: Awareness Planted in Knowing - Part II
Date: December 5, 2011 Afternoon - Byron Bay, Australia Seminar
Quote: Knowing is the continuity of everything and in everything. Without knowing, nothing holds true. Without knowing, nothing works. Whether you are planted in it as awareness or not, whether you’re living for it, living from it, living in it, it is, in everything, enabling you.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_057.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 10:40pm EST
Fri, 24 February 2012
Title: Seeing, Knowing, Loving Another
Date: January 31, 2011 Evening - Pardes Hana, Israel
Quote: You need no reward in being what love is, in moving it and in giving it. When you are what love is, you’re not needing its return. Love doesn’t need to be answered. It just quietly and freely gives.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_056.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 7:19pm EST
Fri, 17 February 2012
Title: Awareness Planted In Knowing
Date: December 5, 2011 Afternoon - Byron Bay, Australia Seminar
Quote: With a fundamental shift of awareness, having your awareness planted in knowing instead of in the conditioning in your self, you’re no longer attuning to personal need. Need becomes something that’s in your care and it is no longer something that you make personal.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_055.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 2:00am EST
Sat, 28 January 2012
Title: Putting Your Self Into Perspective
Date: December 18, 2011 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada
Quote: Your self is of value and it is usable, but not on old terms anymore, not on the terms of your conditioning anymore. That means that as awareness, from within knowing, with all of your heart, you will be integrating your self and all of its conditioning. Your self, by you, is going to become all different.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_054.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 9:35pm EST
Sun, 22 January 2012
Title: The Tiny Little Bit Within is Your Darling
Date: January 15, 2012 Evening - Edmonton, Canada
Quote: The little is your darling. Love your darling. In loving your darling you need no experience. You don't need your patterning, you don't need your self.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_053.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 6:55am EST
Fri, 6 January 2012
Title: Making What You Know Happen
Date: December 28, 2011 Afternoon - Edmonton, Canada, Winter Seminar
Quote: The best that you can do for your mind is to not be in any kind of in-between state in your heart. Give your heart completely to being and doing Knowing, and whatever difficulty you have in your mind, after that, is fine.
Direct download: JdR_Podcast_052.mp3
Category: Spoken
-- posted at: 9:13pm EST